This is a preview version of the DisplayLink DL-7450 Software Development Kit Documentation. The functionality that is described and made available in this version is subject to addition, removal or change without warning.

class VisionClient

The VisionClient class enables DL-7450 to communicate with a development IoT backend. To use this mechanism, the application developer must first register an account with the backend and then register the development board to that account. Please contact Synaptics if you would like to create such an account.

The IoT development platform provides a REST API for sending free-form application messages to a DL-7450. The VisionClient class enables the DL-7450 application to receive and process these messages.


class vision_client.VisionClient

Construct a DockControl object.



Register a callback handler for application messages. The message is delivered as a bytearray and has no meaning except to the application. The callback must interpret the message. For example if the message was sent through the development IoT REST api as string encoded into an array of bytes, the handler could be implemented as follows:

from vision_client import VisionClient
from splashscreen import Splashscreen

client = VisionClient()
screen = Splashscreen()

def callback(message):
  screen.add_text_box(str(message, 'utf-8'))


Not available in this preview.