class MqttClient – communicate with an MQTT broker
The MqttClient
class provides the functionality to enable the DL-7450 to
become an MQTT client. All of the methods are implemented asynchronously, i.e.
the call returns control to the application quickly, and informs the
application through relevant callbacks about MQTT events.
- class mqtt.MqttClient(broker_url: str, client_id: str)
Create an MQTT client class that is able to connect to the given broker. The client is created in a ready-to-connect state and the actual connection is initiated in the
call. If this call fails anMqttError
will be generated.The arguments to this constructor are:
broker_url is the address of the MQTT broker, in the usual form scheme://host:port. The scheme must be one of the values below, otherwise an error is raised. The host can be either an IP address or a host name. If omitted, the default port listed below will be used.
client_id is a mandatory UTF-8 encoded string containing the MQTT client ID.
URL Scheme
Connection Type
Default Port
Insecure MQTT
Insecure MQTT
Secure MQTT
Secure MQTT
MQTT over insecure websocket
MQTT over secure websocket
Preview feature
Web sockets are provided as a preview feature in this version of the DL-7450 SDK. Please get in touch to provide feedback or report any issues.
- connect(on_connect, options={})
This method initiates a connection to the broker. The connection occurs asynchronously, and informs the application when the connection has succeeded or failed.
The on_connect argument is any callable entity which takes two arguments. The first argument is an integer, rc which indicates whether the broker accepted the connection or not. A zero or positive value is the value returned from the broker, and the meaning is given in the table below.
Connection Accepted
Connection Refused, unacceptable MQTT protocol
Connection Refused, identifier rejected
Connection Refused, server unavailable
Connection Refused, bad user name or password
Connection Refused, not authorised
A negative value indicates that the connection attempt was not initiated for some reason, and the value corresponds to one of the values of the
codes. The second argument, flags is a dictionary and is unused in the present version of the DL-7450 SDK. The callback is invoked asynchronously, when the connection is established, or when a connection cannot be established for some reason.It is important to note that the on_connect callback can be called multiple times. In particular if a connection is made successfully, but is later lost, the callback will be invoked twice, the second time as a failure. The MQTT will automatically attempt to reconnect to the broker. If this reconnection attempt is successful, yet another invocation of the on_connect callback will occur.
Example 1: the Client attempts to connect to the server, but does not provide the correct username and password. The on_connect callback will be invoked with status = 4. No further connection attempt will be made, and the failure is permanent.
Example 2: the client connects successfully. The on_connect callback is invoked with status = 0. Some time later, the local network is becomes unavailable. On the next failed ping attempt (see the keepAlive option), the on_connect callback is invoked with status = -1. However, the client will attempt to reconnect to the broker. The first attempt is after 1 seconds, then 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 seconds subsequently, and from then every 1 minute. When the network is available again, and the client reconnects, the on_connect callback is invoked again with status = 0.
It is advisable for the application to keep track of the connection status. An example of an on_connect callback:
connected = False def on_connect(rc, flags): if rc == 0: # connection accepted by the broker connected = True else: if rc > 0: # permanent failure... if rc < 0: connected = False errMsg = mqtt.ErrorDescription(rc) if connected: # connection lost. Reconnect attempt follows else: # report or handle error. Reconnect attempt follows
options is a dictionary that contains a variety of optional parameters for this connection. The possible key-value pairs are described below. All are optional with default values, but some combinations of the options are invalid.
Connect Options:
The time, in seconds, between attempts by the server (PING requests) to establish whether the client is unresponsive or disconnected. If this value is omitted, the keep alive mechanism is not enabled.
This is the MQTT username and must be a valid UTF-8 string. If username is provided, password may be omitted. A password with no username is not allowed.
This is the MQT password. The password must be a valid string, bytes or bytearray. If username is provided, password may be omitted. A password with no username is not allowed.
This must be a valid UTF-8 string representing the topic for the will message to be published on. This option forms part of the will message and if not provided or is None, then no will message is defined.
This must be a valid will_qos, i.e. an integer 0, 1 or 2. This option forms part of the will message and if not provided or is None, then no will message is defined.
The payload, will_message, maybe empty or None, or a string, bytearray or bytes object. This option forms part of the will message and if not provided or is None, then no will message is defined.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) options:
The broker certificate’s chain-of-trust in PEM or DER form. If provided must be a valid string, bytearray or bytes.
The client’s private key in PEM format, used when the broker requires client certificate authentication. Must be a valid string, bytearray or bytes object
The client’s public certificate chain in PEM format. Must be a valid string, bytearray or bytes object. May include the private key, or the private key may be provided separately.
With the preceding constraints, any of options may be omitted or None, and their default values will be used. The presence of an unrecognised option will lead to a TypeError being raised.
The clean_session option is currently set to 0 and cannot be changed in this version of the DL-7450 SDK.
The client automatically attempts to reconnect to the broker when a connection attempt fails. The minimum time for the retry is 1 second. If this fails, the next retry is 2 seconds, so on through 4, 8, 16 and 32 seconds. After that, further attempts occur every minute. This procedure resets once a successful connection is made.
- publish(topic, message, qos)
This method initiates the publication of a message to the broker. The parameters are:
topic a valid UTF-8 string that is the topic the message will be published on.
message the payload of the MQTT message. It must be a valid string, bytearray or bytes object.
qos the quality-of-service level for this message.
This call will raise a TypeError if the parameter combination does not define a valid MQTT message. In particular, a zero-length topic is not allowed, and qos must be an integer 0, 1 or 2. The message can be empty.
The return value is an integer, mid, which is an identifier for the message just published. It is used in the on_publish callback to identify which messages have been successful or unsuccessful.
Example usage:
from mqtt import MqttClient import json client = MqttClient('ssl://', 'myclientid') client.connect(...) payload = { 'status': 42 } mid = client.publish(f'/device/status{myclientid}', json.dumps(payload), 1)
If this method is called on a disconnected client, the message will be sent when the client next becomes connected. However the message will be lost if the client goes out of scope (e.g. via a reboot of the DL-7450).
- subscribe(topics)
This methods initiates a subscription to one or more topics. The parameter topics is a single 2-tuple or a list of 2-tuples, where each 2-tuple is of the form (topic, qos). The topic must be a valid, non-empty, str, which may contain valid topic wildcards. qos is an integer 0, 1 or 2, indicating the quality-of-service required for the subscription.
The return value is an integer: a negative value indicates that the subscription attempt was not initiated for some reason, and the value corresponds to one of the values of the
codes. A positive value is a message identifier, mid, which identifies the subscription request. It is used in the on_subscribe callback to refer back to which topics have been subscribed to. Subscriptions are often set up in the on_connect callback following a successful connection to a broker.
- on_message(callback)
Set up a handler function for messages that the client receives on its subscribed topics. Please note, if the client will only publish messages then it is not necessary to set up a message handler. The callback is any Python callable entity that takes two parameters, the topic that the message has been sent on, and the message itself, as a bytearray. The application should interpret the bytearray appropriately. For example:
from mqtt import MqttClient import json def on_message(topic, message): if topic == "/urgent/maintenance": my_msg = json.loads(message) # etc client = MqttClient('ssl://') client.on_message(on_message)
- on_subscribe(callback)
Register a callback that is invoked when the broker responds to a subscribe request. The callback is a callable entity that takes two arguments. The first is an integer, mid, which corresponds to the message identifier that was returned by the
call. The second argument, granted_qos is a list of integers corresponding to the quality-of-service granted for each of the subscriptions in the request.