This is a preview version of the DisplayLink DL-7450 Software Development Kit Documentation. The functionality that is described and made available in this version is subject to addition, removal or change without warning.

class I2cError

Represents an error during an I2C operation.

class i2c.I2cError(err_num, message)

A python Exception class representing an I2C error

errno: int

Value representing the error code




No error


Invalid bus ID


Device address out of range


Transmit select error1


Read error2


Write error2


1 a transmit select error can arise when the DL-7450 sends the 7-bit device address before it starts a read or write operation. If you encounter this error, check the address of your device.

2 the most likely reason for a read or write error is a failure to use the device as described by the vendor. For example, using an unknown register, attempting to write to a read-only register or vice-versa.

args: List

Further arguments for the error. At present only args[1] is used, and is human-readable string describing the error. Please note, I2cError.args[0] is equivalent to I2cError.errno.