This is a preview version of the DisplayLink DL-7450 Software Development Kit Documentation. The functionality that is described and made available in this version is subject to addition, removal or change without warning.

class DockInfo - current information about the dock

The DockInfo class gives current information about the DL-7450.


class dock.DockInfo

Construct a DockInfo object.



Obtain the unique identifier of this dock. This identifier could be used for registering the dock as an IoT device with a service provider. For example:

from dock import DockInfo
  info = DockInfo()
  dock_id = info.dock_id()

Obtain the current monitors connected to the DL-7450. The return value is a list of monitor.Monitor. There is an entry per output, the entry containing an invalid monitor if there is no monitor connected to that output. For example:

from dock import DockInfo
from splashscreen import Splashscreen

screen = Splashscreen()
info = DockInfo()
monitors = info.monitors()

for output, monitor in enumerate(monitors):
  if monitor.valid():
    screen.add_text_box(f"Output {output}: {}")
    screen.add_text_box(f"Output {output}: no monitor")

Determine whether a host laptop or PC is connected to the DL-7450.

Returns one of the constants described below.



Describes whether a host laptop is connected to the DL-7450.

Coming soon

The constant DockInfo.HOST_REQUIRES_DRIVER is not available in this preview. It is a service to applications to help users get DisplayLink drivers installed:

from dock import DockInfo

info = DockInfo()
if info.host_status() == DockInfo.HOST_REQUIRES_DRIVER:
   # inform user how to get DisplayLink drivers, e.g with
   # a QR code