This is a preview version of the DisplayLink DL-7450 Software Development Kit Documentation. The functionality that is described and made available in this version is subject to addition, removal or change without warning.

class ImageStore – store and retrieve image data


class datastore.ImageStore

Construct an ImageStore object.



List the tags of all available images.


Retrieve an image from its tag. The return value is a tuple (image_data, image_type), where:

  • image_data is a bytearray containing the raw pixel values of the image.

  • image_type is a constant from image specifying the image format.


Returns an opaque image.ImageToken that can be passed to splashscreen.Splashscreen methods. Unlike the previous method, this call does not result in the copying of the image from flash storage into a python bytearray. The token can be passed instead. This may result in faster rendering of the splashscreen background.